I put together this page to share with you some of the books that God used directly as an answer to my prayers, or to take me to the next level in my spiritual growth. My all-time favorite book is the Bible, but these books had a vital role in my spiritual development and I would highly recommend taking your time and read them and let the Holy Spirit guide you as you read them. I break the list down by categories for easier search.

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Lord, teach us to pray … The most important element in your relationship with God is your prayer life. When you pray things are happening in the spiritual realm that Satan can’t stop, that’s why Satan will do anything to stop you to pray and to learn how to pray more powerfully. If you learn how to pray, you will go places you never thought is possible. While prayer is simply speaking with God, understanding how prayer works and how to pray well will help you tremendously in your walk with God.

Draw The Circle “The 40-day prayer challenge is going to change your life.” That’s the first sentence in this book when you open it. When I read it, I smiled. Yup, I read that before, I heard that before. However, I like a good challenge and I made a commitment that I will not go to sleep until I don’t read the chapter of the day.

This book changed my life. WHY? Because, when you know how to pray better, God will answer those prayers. Prayer is not magic. Prayer is only powerful because God promised that He will hear and answer our prayers. And when we learn to pray differently, God will answer those prayers and our life will change.

I can’t recommend enough this book. Do it personally, or with a group, but I can promise you that if you dedicate 40 days to read through and pray through at the end of 40 days your life will be different.

Secrets of a Prayer WarriorWhile one of the most personal and powerful acts of a Christian is prayer, most believers struggle with their prayer lives, wondering whether they are really making a difference and how they can be more effective. I know, because I was one of those believers.

This book helped me grasp the biblical conditions for answered prayers, the different types of prayers, the secret to leading a dynamic prayer life, how to receive what we ask for, and how to align ourselves with the heart of God. Practical strategies like fasting, spiritual weapons for spiritual warfare, Bible study, discipline, and consistency are extensively explained and illustrated by powerful testimonies.

This book will help you learn how to pray the right Biblical way so that you will receive what you pray for.

Holy Spirit

Nothing matters to God except what the Holy Spirit accomplishes in and through us! God ALWAYS accomplishes His will here on earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, filled by the Holy Spirit, and was raised by the Holy Spirit, and yet, while I grew up all my life in the church I barely heard any teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues or how to be led in our everyday life by the Holy Spirit.

Fresh Wind Fresh FireA really inspiring, challenging and thought-provoking book. Including examples of personal experience and plenty of Biblical material, the author seeks to point us back to the heart of Christian discipleship, namely our relationship with God, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and the life of prayer. This book helped me understand the role of the Holy Spirit in a very real and relatable way. If you want to learn what happens when God’s Spirit invades the hearts and lives of a person this book is for you. The Holy Spirit is ever-present, always at work and if we let Him work in our lives, it will change everything in us and around us.

Tongues - Kenneth HaginEvery Christian should or ought to speak in tongues, doing so strengthens your faith and brings you closer to God. But many believers, just like myself are not because they don’t have a proper understanding of the role of speaking and praying in tongues. This book was life-changing. This book is a must-read for everyone who wants to pray in tongues, understand the role of tongues in a believers’ life, and the different kinds of tongues the Bible speaks of. It contains everything you want to know about speaking in tongues and its benefits. Full of examples and scriptural backing. It’s definitely a must-read for every believer, young or old in the faith.

The Bible Way To Receive the Holy SpiritThis book contains the clearest explanation of how to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This book can definitely help anyone clearly understand how to receive the Holy Spirit. Most of us don’t understand how we complicate things! This is one of the most practical books on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I would suggest that you pay most attention to the 7 simple steps Hagin is giving in the last chapter. I highly recommend every Christian who wants to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit to read this book.