Jesus carried our rejections to the cross.

How to overcome rejection

Being rejected and unwanted is one the most painful experience anyone can experience and it’s double painful when it comes from “home”.

But I want you to know that Jesus felt your rejection, your soul-crushing pain, your heart crying, and your mental struggle as you try to grasp the realization that you are not wanted anymore.

Peter, denied Him.

Judas sold Him.

When he needed support and ask His friends to pray with Him, they fall asleep on Him.

He was rejected by many even though He healed everyone who came to Him.

Jesus knows exactly how you feel when you can’t sleep through the night or cry your eyes out in your car. He knows. Every detail. He sees you and He is holding you in His hands. He took upon Himself your pain of rejection and nailed them to the cross.

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” – Matt. 27:46)

He experienced rejection like none of us will ever have to. The Father rejected Him so that we never have to experience God’s rejection. Jesus took upon Himself all your rejections so that when you face rejection you can come to Him and ask for His help.

The Holy Spirit is here to help when we can’t bear the pain. He will carry you through. You’re never alone because He endures loneliness for you and me.

There are millions who struggle quietly. I want you to know that you can bring all that pain, the anxiety the heartbreak, and put it down at the foot of the cross.

Cry out to the one who is able to exchange your rejections with acceptance. While you may not be valued by others, I tell you one thing: you’re extremely precious to Jesus. So precious and so worthy that He died for you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you that I’m loved by you so much that you sent Jesus to die for me. Thank you Jesus that you know all my pain. The pain of rejection. The pain of abandonment. Thank you Jesus that you carried all my rejections in your body and you thought of me when you been spit on and beaten and nailed to the cross. Thank you that you took my pain and nailed it to the cross. Thank you for loving me so much. Jesus, I bring my brokenness to you and I ask that you would make me whole. Restore my heart. Remove every word of rejection spoken over me from my mind and replace it with your words of love and assurance. Take what the enemy meant to hurt me and use it as my strength to reach your will for my life. Holy Spirit take away the pain and do not let bitterness and unforgiveness take root in my heart. I choose to forgive those who hurt me. Replace the fear with love in my heart. Replace the anxiety with trusting in you. Heal me and make me whole for your glory God. In Jesus mighty name Amen.

Let’s take our pain to the one who can really help and restore us.

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