The path to the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast

After I watched the announcement that Ontario will be one of the first in the world who is introducing the Digital ID in 2021 with the goal to replace the current IDs with a new digital ID, I felt an overwhelming pinch in my gut. I prayed about it and I could clearly see the path that is paved for the mark of the beast. And the Digital ID is a very prominent part of it. I am confident there is a full world-wide campaign going on to accomplish this.

To have the mark enforced on every person the world must be fully run on digital currency.

He required everyone – small and great, rich and poor, free and slave – to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. “ Rev 13:16-17

  • $$$ To reach a place when someone can control people’s buying and selling ability cash must be fully removed. There is a plan in the works for decades to accomplish that. Cash needs to be replaced with digital currency and this has been a work-in-progress for decades, and today we have the technology to do it and it becomes more and more acceptable for the masses, especially for the younger generation.
  • To control people they need a digital ID and companies have been working on it for decades. The technology is ready.
  • They just needed a “cause” that would make people accept all this.

Introduce fear. Whenever people are afraid they will accept anything. The media is government-controlled so all they had to do is start a marketing strategy.

So for your “safety”, you will accept the fact that digital ID is for your good, for your protection and safety. Once the masses accept this they will only have these new IDs. Driver License, Birth Certificates, Passports, Heath Cards, and so on will be forcefully moved into this.

Then for your “convenience ”, you will willingly exchange your cash for a digital currency and the marketing strategy is “convenience”. Since Covid, we saw more and more places trying to limit cash as a payment method. I was totally shocked that some stores flat out refuse to take cash.

Safety and Convenience are our day idols!

Once the digital ID and the digital currency are accepted with a click they will link the two. Your access to your money – at this point digital currency – will depend on what your digital ID shows.

This is the moment when the mark of the beast will be fully accomplished and at this point, you can’t choose. You will be forced to do as you are told.

If you play nice and do as you’re told, then you will be able to access your money. If you don’t follow the rules – with one click you can lose access to your money. Because there is no cash you won’t be able to buy or sell. You will be forced to do whatever the rules will be. And once the government has that power, they can make up the rules as they wish. At that point, they have you on their hock. Whoever will own the digital ID will be your owner and your nothing but a slave.

This was the plan all the way.

Everything is in place and governments around the world are introducing these measures at a high speed. We are in a time in history when we can stand up and say no. This is a short timeframe that can alter the future of our children and generations. If not, it will be too late and millions will take the mark and that is the ticket to hell.

“God, please change people’s hearts, so they can learn the truth and come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap; for people are held captive by the devil to do whatever he wants.” – 2 Tim 2:25

God, please have mercy on humanity for Jesus’s sake.

And because I been asked “what do I think the mark is” – I am waiting for the Holy Spirit to reveal it with clarity, but whatever the government will use to control your ability to buy, and sell – it will be. Read the Bible so that you will recognize the details. Pray, and stay close to God so that He will be able to guide you.

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